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Soul Role Goal - Pathways Plus$149

Develop your best strengths and use them to produce powerful results

Identify your biggest sources of interference and avoid them getting in the way 

Eliminate Soul, Role and Goal frustration and reduce conflict in your daily routine 

Reduce wasted effort by directing you to the highest payoff activities 

Determine exactly which skills and talents you can best leverage into greater success 

Match your personal and unique values to your work to get more satisfaction, fulfillment and productivity 

Remove the blocks that can and will interfere with building your own business 

Analyze your own "mental programming" and harness it for your benefit

“My good friend Mitch Axelrod is one of the foremost authorities in sales and marketing in the United States today. Mitch has trained more than 100,000 men and women on peak performance selling skills. His technique, his method and his process are responsible for boosting more people into the ranks of the top 10% than almost any other trainer alive today.”

Brian Tracy
Author of The New Psychology of Selling
  • Total payment
  • 1xSoul Role Goal - Pathways Plus$149

All prices in USD
